Chicago Blackhawks C Artem Anisimov To Miss Some Time

In a recent game against the Montreal Canadians Artem Anisimov had an opponent fall on his leg causing an injury. He was spotted recently in a walking boot and is expected to miss 3-4 weeks.

When the NHL discusses player injuries they always use the vague proverbial “lower body injury” diagnosis. Based on the facts that we know, i.e. Anisimov in a walking boot, it is safe to assume that the lower body injury is most likely an ankle injury. Without assuming though, I’d like to dive into another possible injury that commonly occurs in athletes.

The peroneal tendons are two tendons that run along the outside of your leg, across your ankle and insert in your foot. Both of these tendons are important in the overall function of your foot and assist in pronation (swinging the foot out) during walking or running. The most commonly injured of the above tendons is the peroneus brevis tendon. Due to its insertion on the outside of the foot, it is very common to develop tendinitis due to the strain placed on this tendon with high impact activities.

Other possibilities would be a minor tear or synovitis (inflammation around the protective sheath of the tendon). All these injuries are treated conservatively in a walking boot. Typical tendinitis injuries take 4-6 weeks for recovery. Other treatment modalities for tendinitis include cortisone injections, corrective orthotics, shockwave therapy or prolotherapy. Lucky for Anisimov, hockey skates tend to provide extra ankle support because of the height of the skate.

If you or your family member is suffering from an ankle injury, don’t necessarily assume it is an ankle sprain! Come see one of our physicians at Healthy Feet Podiatry to ensure you didn’t irritate your tendon.

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